Diamond Education
Understanding the 4 Cs of Diamonds: A Novice's Guide
This article will unravel the mysteries behind these captivating gemstones by looking at the 4 Cs of diamonds. Like a symphony of size, carat weight sets the stage.... more »
Lab-Grown Diamonds Vs. Other Gemstone Alternatives: A Comprehensive Comparison
With an estimated 70% of millennials considering lab-grown diamonds, the gemstone market is witnessing a paradigm shift. This article comprehensively compares... more »
Understanding Different Types of Gemstones: Sparkling Gems Decoded
Picture this: You're about to dive into the enchanting world of fine jewellery, and the choices are dazzling but also a tad overwhelming. Don't fret because I'm here... more »
Mined Vs Lab Grown Diamonds: The Sparkling Debate
This short article aims to provide an understanding of the differences, cost implications, and environmental impact of mined Vs lab-grown diamonds, illuminating a... more »
The Sparkling Revolution: Unmasking Diamond Authenticity
Ironically, the world's most treasured gemstone, the diamond, is now subject to an authenticity paradox, courtesy of the 'Sparkling Revolution'. A remarkable progress in... more »
Unveil The Mysteries Of Lab-Grown And Deep-Mined Diamonds
Lab-grown and deep-mined diamonds are at the same time identical and yet quite different! Natural diamonds form under intense heat and pressure deep within the heart of... more »
Bridal Trends: Why More Couples Are Choosing Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Rings
You're planning to get engaged to be married! Congratulations! As you embark on this exciting journey, you may be wondering about the latest trends in bridal... more »
The Evolution Of Diamond Quality: From Subjective To Standard
Diamonds have been a symbol of wealth and status for centuries. However, before the 1940s, diamond quality terms were inconsistent and subjective, leading to confusion... more »
Lab-Grown Diamond Jewellery, The Latest Innovations & Styles
I'm sure you've all heard about lab-grown diamond jewellery and the amazing designs that come with them. If not, let me fill you in on the latest trend. Lab-grown... more »
Lab-Grown Diamond Jewellery Trends
Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Taking Over The Diamond Jewellery Market! Lab-grown diamonds have become a popular trend in the jewellery industry, and it's not hard to see why.... more »